
Urology and its area of treatment and complications

Urology is the branch of medical science that deals with the treatment of urinary tracts in both men and women and the reproductive organs of males. Urology is not limited to urinary tract infections and is also related to treating the kidneys, bladder, and adrenalin glands. The urologist is qualified for diagnosis, treatment, evaluation, surgery, and management of diseases related to the kidneys, bladder, urethra, or ureters. Urologists are also trained in erectile dysfunction, overactive bladder, male infertility, cancers in the testicles, prostate, penis, kidney complications, and the adrenal gland. ·          Female urology focuses on conditions associated with woman’s reproductive and urinary tract ·          Male infertility is the factors that prevent a man from impregnating his female partner even after one year of unprotected sex ·          Neurourology focuses on urinary problems because of the nervous system disorders. ·          Pediatric urology treats urinary pr

What is the best hospital in Chennai?

Healthcare has traditionally been regarded as an important factor in promoting the overall physical, mental, and social well-being of people around the world, and if it is given systematic way, it can contribute to the economic, healthier society and industrialization in a great way. Health care is an important factor in our lives and we ​​all have the right to it. It is our right to have access to health care whenever we need it. Some sections of society are reeling under poverty and can’t afford the sophisticated healthcare for the disease they are suffering from. So the best hospital in Chennai must provide the reasonable services to that section of the society. Top qualities of the best hospital Chennai ·          Patient-centric approach and compassionate care ·          Focused approach and dedicated leadership ·          Latest   medical technology and equipment ·          Trained and experienced doctors, technicians and staff ·          Co-ordinated care ·       

Infertility Treatment, Causes and Advanced Procedures

Infertility is the inability of the couple to achieve pregnancy even after one year of regular & unprotected sexual intercourse. Evaluation is required sooner or later in the patients who have the risk of facing infertility issues or if the female partner is more than 35 years old. When such a situation arrives, the couples need to consult with one of the best infertility hospitals in Chennai . Clinical Definition of Infertility Infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant (conceived) after one year or more of unprotected sexual intercourse. Causes of infertility ·          Male factors ·          Ovulatory dysfunction ·          Uterine abnormalities ·          Tubal obstruction ·          Peritoneal and Cervical factors Sperm is a milky white liquid released by the male penis during orgasm. Sperm is composed of bodily fluids and semen. The sperm is generated in testicles and the fluids come from organs like the prostate gland, seminal vesicle, and

Cardiovascular Diseases and Heart Specialists

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) or Heart diseases continue to be a leading cause of death worldwide. The research shows that an estimated 17.9 million deaths occurred alone in 2019 which amounts to 32% of all global deaths. If you analyze the death figure because of CVDs, the figure shows that an average of 18 million deaths is occurring worldwide. Out of the total number of CVDs deaths, 85% of deaths are occurring due to heart attack and heart stroke. Almost 1/3 of total CVDs deaths are occurring in the developing world. Cardiologist Vs Heart Specialist The cardiologist is a doctor who is qualified and trained are qualified to treat heart conditions such as heart attacks, heart strokes, heart failure, arrhythmia, heart valve problems, or high blood pressure issues. When you will try to differentiate between a cardiologist and a heart specialist, you should remember that it comes under the broader arena of cardiovascular treatment. It implies that a cardiologist is one type of car

Gynaecologist and Gynaecological Conditions

Irregular cycles or painful monthly cramps are common gynic complications that women face in everyday life. But that are not the conditions that should be overlooked or accepted as an ongoing problem. There exist several intervention methods such as surgery or other medical procedures that can cure its symptoms and the conditions such as menstrual disorders, urinary incontinence, etc. Are you facing problems such as painful cramps, acute abdominal pain, heavy or long-lasting menstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, etc? Then, you should check up with the best gynaecologist in Chennai . Gynaecologist or Obstetrician The gynaecologist is a doctor who is specialized in treating women’s reproductive system issues and associated problems. Gynaecologists are also trained to deliver obstetrician care involving the pregnancy phase and child delivery. An OB-Gyn specialist is qualified to provide all such treatments. When a woman says she has gynic complications that would mean menstrual dis

Best Knee Replacement Surgery in Chennai

  Knee Replacement Surgery Knee replacement is a form of arthroplasty whose literary meaning is the surgical repairing of the joint. This procedure involves the surgery for reconstructing and replacing of the degenerated joints with the use of artificial body parts or prosthetics. If the articular cartilage (smooth white tissue covering the ends of the bones connecting the joints) of the knee is damaged or worn, there arises considerable pain and the knee becomes difficult to move. This is because bones start rubbing with each other instead of sliding. When the prosthesis is performed, the patient will feel considerably less pain in the knee. Why do you need a knee replacement? Knee surgery is suitable for the patients who suffer from the following conditions: ·          Acute pain and stiffness preventing the person to carry out daily activities such as  walking, standing, going upstairs and entering & getting out of the cars. ·          Moderate level of knee pain con